Can you use beard butter everyday?

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Written By Dominic Howard

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Beard butter has become an increasingly popular beard grooming product for men who want to have a healthy, soft, and shiny beard. But with daily use of beard butter, some questions arise: Is it safe to use beard butter every day? Will it cause any adverse effects if used too frequently?

This article will dive into the details to help you understand if daily beard butter usage is advisable.

What is Beard Butter?

Beard butter is a leave-in beard conditioner that contains carrier oils, butter/wax, and essential oils. It has a creamy, balm-like texture that helps moisturize, condition, soften, and tame unruly beards. The ingredients in beard butter can vary but often contain:

Carrier oils like argan, jojoba, grapeseed, sweet almond, or coconut oil – These oils moisturize the beard hair and skin underneath.

Butter like shea or cocoa butter – These provide moisture and a creamy texture to help the product spread evenly.

Waxes like beeswax or candelilla wax – This helps give beard butter its semi-solid texture for easy application.

Essential oils like cedarwood, sandalwood, or tea tree oil – These give beard butter its pleasant scent and additional skin/hair benefits.

The Benefits of Using Beard Butter

When used properly, beard butter offers many benefits for your facial hair:

  • Deeply conditions and hydrates beard hair – The oils and butter help soften coarse or dry beard hairs, leaving your beard soft, smooth, and shiny.
  • Soothes itchiness and beardruff – The rich moisturizing ingredients can help relieve itchiness associated with dry skin and also reduce beard dandruff (small flaky skin particles in your beard).
  • Aids in styling and taming – The waxes and butter give beard butter a subtle hold to help you style and groom unruly whiskers more easily.
  • Absorbs quickly without residue – Well-formulated beard butter absorbs into your beard and skin without leaving behind a greasy or waxy residue.
  • Pleasant scent – Many beard butters contain natural essential oils that give them an appealing light fragrance. This can make your beard smell fresh.
  • Nourished skin – The nourishing oils and butter don’t just condition your beard hairs but also the skin underneath your beard. This helps prevent dry, irritated skin.

Considering these benefits, it’s no wonder why so many bearded men have incorporated beard butter into their grooming routine. But is it safe and effective to use daily? Let’s take a deeper look.

Is It Safe to Use Beard Butter Daily?

Using a quality beard butter daily is generally safe for most men. The ingredients in beard butter like carrier oils, shea/cocoa butter, beeswax, and essential oils are well-tolerated by most skin types when used properly.

However, there are some considerations to keep in mind:

  • Patch test first – If it’s your first time using a particular brand of beard butter, do a patch test on a small area of skin first to check for potential allergic reactions.
  • Use only a small amount – You only need to use a pea-sized amount of beard butter in your palms, rub your hands together, and work it thoroughly into your beard from roots to tips. Using too much can lead to greasiness.
  • Discontinue if irritation occurs – If you experience unusual redness, dryness, acne breakouts, or itching after daily use, your skin may be sensitized or allergic. Discontinue use for a few days.
  • Avoid getting too close to the eyes or lips – As with any cosmetic product, avoid contact with the eyes and ingestion.

As long as you choose a high-quality beard butter and use it according to package directions, daily use should not pose any major risks for healthy individuals without sensitivities. It’s moisturizing ingredients can be beneficial for your beard.

Potential Drawbacks of Daily Use

While most men can tolerate and benefit from daily beard butter usage, there are a few potential drawbacks to consider as well:

  • May cause acne breakouts – Some of the richer carrier oils in beard butter can be comedogenic (pore-clogging) for those prone to acne on their face or neck. This may lead to increased breakouts.
  • Can look greasy if overapplied – Using excessive amounts of beard butter or products with very heavy butter/oils can leave a visible greasy or waxy residue. This can appear messy.
  • May need to wash your beard more frequently – Buildup can occur with daily application, so you may need to shampoo your beard more regularly to prevent residue and keep the hair clean.
  • Essential oils may cause skin sensitivity – If you have very sensitive skin, certain essential oils like lemon or peppermint may cause irritation with daily contact.
  • May interfere with other beard products – Using some types of beard butter before balms or oils can reduce the absorption of those lighter products. Adjust application order if needed.

While not necessarily common, the above drawbacks are possible with the overuse of beard butter or individual sensitivities. Being aware of them can help determine if the daily application works well for you.

Maximizing the Benefits While Minimizing Drawbacks

Fortunately, there are some simple tips you can follow to enjoy beard butter daily while avoiding potential negatives:

  • Use only a small amount – Using a penny-sized amount or less is plenty for an average beard length. You shouldn’t need globs.
  • Focus application on beard ends – Applying butter mostly on your beard ends and avoiding the skin can reduce the chances of breakouts or residue.
  • Use lighter products first – If needed, apply lighter oils or balms first so they can properly absorb before using beard butter.
  • Shampoo regularly – Shampooing 1-2 times per week can remove excess product buildup on hair and skin.
  • Rinse beard after application – If you have oily skin, doing a quick water rinse of your beard after rubbing in butter can prevent over-greasiness.
  • Adjust the frequency of use – If your skin becomes irritated or too oily, cut back use to every other day or a few times per week instead of daily
  • Choose products wisely – Look for beard butter labeled as non-comedogenic or for sensitive skin. Avoid comedogenic oils like coconut oil.

Following these tips will make your experience using beard butter daily much more enjoyable. Be observant of how your skin and beard respond. Find the right frequency, amount, and methods that work for your unique beard care needs.

When to Use Beard Butter in a Beard Care Routine

If you decide to add beard butter to your daily grooming routine, you’ll want to use it at the right stage for maximum benefits:

  1. Wash/shampoo – Thoroughly cleanse your beard with a mild beard shampoo before applying any products. This removes excess oil, dirt, and residue.
  2. Dry beard – Pat dry your beard with a towel. Make sure it’s damp but not sopping wet before applying butter.
  3. Use other serums/oils – If desired, apply a beard oil or serum before butter. Since oils are lighter, they’ll absorb better underneath the richer butter.
  4. Scoop out a small amount of butter – Scrape out about a penny-sized dollop of beard butter with your fingernail or butter knife.
  5. Rub the butter between your palms – Warm and soften the butter in your hands before application
  6. Work into the beard from roots to tips – Massage the melted butter thoroughly into your beard, going from roots to ends. Spread evenly.
  7. Style as desired – Use a beard comb or brush to spread the butter further and style/shape your beard.
  8. Let absorb 5-10 minutes – Give the butter time to absorb before rinsing or applying other products.

Repeat this simple routine daily, adjusting frequency and amount as needed. Properly incorporating beard butter into your regimen will keep your beard nourished and managed.

Beard Butter vs. Beard Balm vs. Beard Oil

When searching for beard products, you’ll notice beard butter shares shelves with other popular options like beard balm and beard oil. What’s the difference between these products and when’s the best time to use each?

Beard oils are very lightweight moisturizers with a mixture of carrier and essential oils. They absorb rapidly into hair and skin. Beard balms are slightly thicker with a bit of beeswax added. They provide light hydration with a subtle styling hold.

Beard butter is the heaviest, richest beard conditioner. They contain the most amount of carrier butter like shea or cocoa butter. This gives them a creamy, dense texture to deeply moisturize.

In general:

  • Use beard oil after washing when your beard feels dry or frizzy. Oils are great for daily maintenance
  • Use beard balm if you want hydration plus a very light hold for styling. Balms work well for shaping your beard.
  • Use beard butter a few times per week when your beard needs deep conditioning. The thick butter will soften coarse hairs.

You can use all three products – oil, balm then butter – as part of your beard care routine. Just allow time between applications so each can properly absorb. Alternate between them depending on your beard’s condition each day.

Homemade Beard Butter Recipes

If you enjoy DIY projects and customizing your products, you can try whipping up your own beard butter at home. Here are two simple recipes to try:

Basic Beard Butter


  • 2 tablespoons carrier oil (jojoba, argan, grapeseed)
  • 2 tablespoons shea or cocoa butter
  • 1 tablespoon beeswax pellets
  • 5-10 drops essential oils for scent (cedarwood, sandalwood, tea tree)


  1. Using a double boiler, melt the butter and beeswax until just liquified.
  2. Remove from heat and let cool slightly.
  3. Add carrier oil and essential oils of choice for scent. Whisk well until fully blended.
  4. Pour into a small tin container or empty beard balm jar.
  5. Place in fridge for 30-60 minutes to harden.
  6. Scoop out and apply to your beard as needed.

Nourishing Beard Butter


  • 3 tablespoons shea butter
  • 1 tablespoon coconut oil
  • 1 tablespoon jojoba oil
  • 1/2 tablespoon sweet almond oil
  • 1 teaspoon vitamin E oil
  • 2-3 drops of sandalwood essential oil


  1. Using a double boiler, melt the shea butter and coconut oil until liquified.
  2. Remove from heat and let cool slightly.
  3. Mix in jojoba oil, sweet almond oil, vitamin E oil, and sandalwood oil.
  4. Whip ingredients with a fork until thoroughly blended. The oils should be suspended in the shea-coconut mixture.
  5. Spoon into a small glass jar or tin. Allow to fully solidify in the fridge before using.
  6. Swipe a small amount through your beard as needed for conditioning.

Be creative and try modifying these recipes with different oils and essential oil scents you enjoy. Homemade beard butter allows you to control the ingredients.

Frequently Asked Question

1. What is beard butter, and what is its primary purpose?

Beard butter is a grooming product designed to moisturize and condition facial hair. Its primary purpose is to keep your beard soft, hydrated, and more manageable.

2. Can I use beard butter every day?

Yes, you can use beard butter every day. In fact, daily use is often recommended for optimal beard care.

3. How do I use beard butter daily?

To use beard butter daily, simply scoop a small amount (usually a dime-sized portion) onto your fingertips. Then, rub your hands together to melt it slightly and apply it evenly to your beard and mustache. Gently massage it in to ensure even coverage.

4. Can using beard butter daily make my beard greasy or oily?

Beard butter is formulated to absorb into your beard and skin without leaving a greasy or oily residue when used in moderation. Using a small amount daily should not result in excessive greasiness.

5. Is it okay to use beard butter on a short beard?

Yes, you can use beard butter on a short beard as well. It can help keep the hair soft and prevent itchiness, even if your beard is just starting to grow.

6. Will use beard butter daily help with beard itch and dandruff?

Yes, using beard butter daily can help alleviate beard itch and reduce the likelihood of dandruff. It keeps the skin and hair moisturized, which can prevent these common beard issues.

7. Can I use beard butter in combination with other beard products?

Absolutely! Beard butter can be used alongside other beard grooming products like beard oil and beard balm. They each serve different purposes and can complement each other in your grooming routine.

8. Are there any precautions to take when using beard butter daily?

It’s essential not to overapply beard butter, as this can lead to a greasy appearance. Start with a small amount and adjust as needed. Also, if you notice any adverse reactions like skin irritation, discontinue use.

9. Can women use beard butter for their facial hair?

Yes, women with facial hair can also use beard butter to moisturize and condition their facial hair. It works similarly for all types of facial hair.

10. Can beard butter help with beard styling?

While beard butter is primarily for moisturizing and conditioning, it can also provide some light hold and help with beard styling, especially for shorter beards. For a more substantial hold, consider using a beard balm or wax.


Beard butter can be an excellent way to condition your beard and keep whiskers looking healthy, soft, and neat. Using quality butter daily is generally fine as long as you apply it properly in small amounts focused on the beard rather than directly on the skin.

Pay attention to how your skin responds over time and adjust usage frequency if needed. Combining butter with other beard grooming products like oils and balms can provide comprehensive conditioning and care. With some prudent practices, beard butter can be worked into your everyday beard regimen.

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